The Launch of the Insider...
For a while now, I have been jotting down notes from all of the various weddings that we film. These notes are really just tips for the bride and groom to use when planning a wedding. Sometimes the tips come from good things that happen, other times they stem from bad experiences. But I really hope that brides can use this as a resource when they get engaged.
So let's get a few things straight:
I am NOT a wedding planner, and don't make any claim to be, but I do see a different wedding every single weekend. You will not find anything about floral trends or colors or anything like that. Some of my tips will be about videography (what I know the most about), some about the planning process, some about picking vendors. The heartbreaking ones are from brides that wish they would have done things differently in regards to their wedding day. I will never be mean to anyone or name names (either in a good or bad setting) - this is just a resource that I truly help can help a few people.
I am committing myself to this new blog segment for one entire year, one tip per week. I realize that this is 52 tips, but I am ambitious! Although I am thinking of the peak wedding season when I can barely get my clothes washed, and I am getting a little scared!!! And if you have tips of your own, send them to me!